
Me and Lexi!!

So me and Lexi are bord getting ready for DISNEYLAND!!!!!, SHE GETS TO GO WITH ME!!!!

5 know it all's:

Anita said...

Hi Tamsen!!
Omw that sounds sooo much fun!! Cuz a bunch of people are going!
Hope u all had fun!!
Love u...byeee

LeNai said...

hey yes it was soo much fun we had 9 girls in our room!! I'll post pix later

Sarah Ladd said...

Hurry up and post the pix!! lol we had SOO much fun!

LeNai said...

I will as soon as Lex sends me some pix cause she had the camera!!;)

¿ aNnA ¡ jAeL ¿ said...

Hey Tamsen
I miss you so much I can't wait to see you again

I love you
Canadian Anna