
Happy Fathers Day

My daddy is my daddy! He is the one that I can turn to when I need comfort from a stressful day. My daddy is:

my hero, my first date, and my best friend! I luv my
daddy soooo much and appreciate him too. I thank God for my daddy. In hard times, he's always there. He finds fun when its a boring day! Daddy your the Best in the WHOLE world!! I luv you!! Happy Fathers Day to the best daddy in the world!!

4 know it all's:

Chris Lombardo said...

Thank you Samsen. You're a cutie and I am very proud of you. Keep saying nice things and you will get anything you want.... NOT!.. Love you, Daddy!

LeNai said...

oh dad... you werent suppost to see that till saturday or sunday!! oh well =)

KaRa_ N_MeH :) said...

haha aww how SWEET!i love ur dad tampson....well i love ur whole family!!lol..

LeNai said...

I luv you Kara and your family!! your a sweet girl!!!