

I know you all are wondering "what is C.O.D.E?" Well I'll define it for you:

C- conference

O- of

D- drama

E- evangelism

I did not get the chance to go to code these past two years (sniff,sniff), but I was able to go in 2005 and also 2006, and they changed my life!! The classes, the GREATEST teachers of drama in the world, and the opportunity to meet new friends!! Its not just drama, there is an incredible move of the holy ghost after!! People have gotten the holy ghost after the drama's are finished! This is what my friend said about code this year;

"it was the bomb for reals, people seriously prayed through and prayed till like 2:00 in the morning"

Thank you to Bro. Cantrell, Bro. Vick, Bro. Tiller, and My Dad for teaching me to love drama and for letting me see that drama is so much fun!!!

3 know it all's:

Aubrey said...

thats rite there was truly a move of god!! that is where i found my passion in drama nd use it as my way of showing what god has done 4 me!!! C.O.D.E rocks

Aubrey said...

love the post C.O.D.E rocks!!!

Aubrey said...

im hurt u dnt even have me as a friend! okay!! watever! lol