
Water on Mars!!!

Scientists have recently discovered water on the planet Mars!!! I have the only picture they were able to capture before the water vanished completly!!!!


Freedom Youth Camp 08!!!

So I was able to attend Junior camp as Staff along with my family, and Sarah Ladd. Well sorry to all you Senior campers, Junior camp is way funner hands down!!! Ok so I guess I'll start with the first day/night.
Day -1

Sarah, Beatrice, and I were laying on random ppls beds, getting attitude from little Redding girls, so hot we room jumped, and just enjoying being STAFF at J.C.!! That night we had an AWESOME children's speaker!!! His name is Bro. McCool and is one of the coolest children's speaker I have ever met!!!!
(Bro. McCool)
(Sis. McCool and my friend Tori our speakers wife and daughter)He had puppets, interaction songs, etc.... After the service, the little children's had bed time at 10:30 so Olivia, Sarah, and I just wondered around and went to bed around 2am.
Day -2

Sarah, and I got up at 8:30 am went to breakfast, then had to go practice for morning children's church. So Olivia, Sarah, and I did puppets(lol), white gloves, song participation, etc... Then after church we had craft, lunch, playtime and the best of all a WATER FIGHT!!!! We had soo much fun!!!
(us after the water fight)
Well our clothes were soo wet Sarah, Angel, and I had to go to the laundry-mat to dry our clothes well we got a little bored!!! Then it was shower time, dinner,and then church!!!!! Once church got out Logan Domingues, Seth Shoemake, Austin McCool, Olivia Domingues, Sarah Ladd, London Young, Angel Lombardo, Aden Shoemake, Vincent Lombardo, Kevin McCool, and I had a full out dodge ball war!! (well it all started whenus girls came running in with crazy hats which the boys thought we were moving targets) After our war we went outside and saw little girls everywhere and a car tp!!!! To make a huge long story short, Monica chased us and took all the tp off her car and moved it, and we found it!!! So we decided to tp Monicas car again!!! Sarah and I got to bed around 4.
(the sneaky tping crew)
Well the night before was long, long, and exciting night ao needless to say Sarah and I got up at like 11! (good thing they switched the P.E to in the morning) So Sarah and I had to hurry and get dressed to go get ready for the morning service. Well to our suprise London was doing the morning with Olivia and us. We had a blast again!!

The kids after went to lunch, craft, free time, water fight, etc.. We had church again (which was awesome) and then after that the kids had a talent show. It was soo funny!!!! Then after the talent show we did alot of things (just check Victoria's blog for details) lets say we didn't go to sleep that night!!!